Alana has been working with our watercolour easel. Inspired by some beautiful pink flowers discovered in the garden. 
This pleasurable experience offers an opportunity for self-expression.

At the same time, Alana strengthens her wrist and pincer grip for writing.

What learning do I think is happening here?
Painting in the Montessori classroom is a fun, yet serious experience. To the Montessori teacher, painting for self-expression is the secondary goal. The first goal of painting is practical in nature. For the 3 to 6 year old child, painting is a way to strengthen muscles and refine motor skills. It improves concentration and coordination. The process of setting up and cleaning up is also a way to promote independence.
Opportunities and possibilities?
Further exploration of colour and self-expression. Participation in these processes will develop a sense of appreciation for the art, and works of artists can be later explored to deepen this.
Love it! Those pictures are a treasure here at home 🙂
Written By Britta and Oliver Kastler 5/05/2015 2:55:30 p.m.