Exploring writing outdoors March 3, 2015

By:Kelly Norton Today Sam and Alana began using the paint brush and water to write their names.. Alana you explore how with the water and brush the sounds of your name emerge… Sam decides to work with at the carpentry bench, and I notice that you continue to explore this medium, spontaneously painting the rocks […]

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School holiday programme – January 2015 February 11, 2015

Created on:11/02/2015 3:18:39 p.m.By:Karin Zapatero Kia ora everyone!   Happy new year 2015, and welcome to the children who attended the school holiday programme. Also, a especial welcome for our new entrants, Cooper Evans, Finn McGrath, Gloria Fan and Kian Anderson. Here are a few pictures of what your children were doing…   Some children really enjoyed the […]

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Sandpaper Letters December 1, 2014

By:Karin Zapatero Alana was keen to work with the Sandpaper letters today. So 3 letters were chosen to work with. During the three period lesson, Alana was introduced to the sound of the letters and shown the correct way in tracing them using both the index and middle fingers. Alana was able to remember the […]

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Photo stories from term 4! November 6, 2014

By:Karin Zapatero Alana made a spring roll during the school holiday’s programme.           Working with the Human Body puzzle     Alana was shown to place the spindles in the box in an orderly way. Then, patiently and with a smile on her face she continued until the end! Cutting cheese for morning […]

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Folding towels and wash cloths October 17, 2014

By:Karin Zapatero   Alana and her friend Amelie decided to help in the Practical Life area by folding our classroom’s washing. Alana fetched the clean laundry basket by her table and Amelie asked if she could work with her. Then, together they started folding the towels and cleaning cloths. Alana was very careful and took great care of […]

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Alana knows her numbers! September 5, 2014

Created on:5/09/2014 9:53:25 p.m.By:Tracie Phua Alana, you had already worked with the sand paper numerals and practised writing numbers on the chalkboard.   You had also worked with the red rods in the sensorial area, arranging the ten red rods from the longest to the shortest.   Today, I invited you to work with the […]

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